We would love to see your review on video.

We would love to see your review on video.

Dear You!

We would love to share your experience with new customers in a 1-minute video.

We will thank you by sending you 3 Chatelier products of choice.

We will share this video on our marketing channels like our website, our ads, and our social media.

Or, if you have before and after photos, we will thank you by sending you 2 products of choice. 

*in total you could get 5 products if you send both a video and photos

Share your transformation video in 8 simple steps. You can record the video on your phone in good lighting.


Step 1

Personal Experience and Transformation:
Introduce yourself by name and age and describe your transformations or improvements in your skin condition, such as reduced inflammation, fading acne scars, minimized pores, improved texture, or e.g. improved skin barrier.

Step 2

Product Introduction:
Mention which specific Chatelier product(s) you have used for this transformation, such as Bright Complexion, Eye Lift, Creme Vitale, etc. If you still have the products at home, show them in the camera.

Step 3

Time Frame:  
Indicate how long you have been using Chatelier products, ranging from a few weeks to a few months or years, and how quickly you observed results.

Step 4

Visible Results (Optional): 
Show the skin in the camera to showcase the effectiveness of Chatelier products in addressing skin issues, or send before and after photos, and we will edit them in the video.

Step 5

Positive Feelings and Satisfaction:  
Express your satisfaction and happiness with Chatelier products. Highlight the positive impact on your skin and overall well-being it has made.

Step 6

Recommendations to Others:  
Share wether you recommend Chatelier products to others, like your friends or family.

Step 7

Specific Usage Scenarios:  
Mention any skin issues you have faced, such as redness/rosacea, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles, crow's feet, dark circles, puffiness, etc. Explain that Chatelier products has been the solution to these specific concerns.

Step 8

Encouragement to Try the Product (Optional): 
Provide a call-to-action and suggest that viewers check out the product on the official website (Chateliercosmetics.com).


Send your video and/or photos to us: 
Send your video and/or before and after photos in the highest quality to support@chateliercosmetics.com using WeTransfer.com. Once we have received your video and/or before and after photos, we will email you with a code that you can use on the website to order your products without payment.
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